Langchen Liu

Langchen Liu

PhD Student in Statistics & Data Science at Yale University

Yale University


I graduated from Duke Kunshan University and Duke University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Mathematics. I was then moved to the University of Pennsylvania as a Ph.D. student in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science(AMCS) with Dr. Lu Lu. Now I am transferring to Yale University as a Ph.D. student in Statistics & Data Science(S&DS). My research concentrates on federated learning and its applications in scientific machine learning.

  • Federated Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • AI4Science
  • BSc in Applied Mathematics, 2022

    Duke University

  • BSc in Applied Mathematics, 2022

    Duke Kunshan University


Ph.D. student in Statistics & Data Science
August 2023 – Present New Haven
Advisor Lu Lu
Ph.D. student in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science
August 2022 – August 2023 Philadelphia
Advisor Lu Lu
B.S. in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science
August 2018 – May 2022 Durham
B.S. in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science
August 2018 – May 2022 Kunshan